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Manuals tasks
Cynthia Cazeres avatar
Written by Cynthia Cazeres
Updated over 6 months ago

The automation of prospecting is essential today to focus on tasks with higher added value: client meetings, and interviews...

At La Growth Machine, we advocate for the use of automation but always in a reasoned manner. To reach a specific, niche, or high-potential audience, it is sometimes necessary to personalize the approach to more easily connect with your target audience.

LGM is here for that: to help you combine the best of both worlds—maximizing personalization and saving time in automatable tasks.

An amazing feature, don't you think? We do 😎

In this article, discover the different manual tasks you can find in La Growth Machine and how to manage them.

What is a manual task?

A manual task, as the name suggests, is a task or activity that is performed by hand. This task is completely personalized and cannot be automated (call, personalized message, video meeting, etc.).

Manage invite note too long

Including a personalized invitation note in your LinkedIn contact request is something we recommend!

But here's the thing, with LinkedIn's 200-character limit for a basic account and your eager desire to use up every possible character, sometimes it can backfire. A longer-than-usual variable (like a double-barreled first name) and your campaign gets stuck on that lead. Annoying, right? 😑

Once your campaign is up and running, La Growth Machine detects errors and allows you to correct them!

Here's how it works:

  1. Launch your campaign

  2. If an anomaly is detected, it's flagged under "Require your attention", to correct it click on "To review"

  3. Modify your invitation text to reduce the character count

  4. Your new invite note is updated only for this lead

  5. Your campaign can smoothly continue on its way

Manage call

It is sometimes necessary to add a phone call task in the middle of a sequence to pause the campaign for the duration of the call, and then resume automation once the call is completed.

Here's how it works:

  1. Create your campaign with a call block. Suggest a call script with key points not to forget. The script will be visible in advance and during the call.

  2. Launch your campaign

  3. Once your lead reaches the Call step, we will create a call task.

  4. Go to your manual task section and click on "To call" to see all your waiting leads

  5. Call your lead, follow your script, and close your deal 🤝. Don't forget to write a summary of your call, it will be saved automatically and always accessible in your inbox.

    1. If your lead is unreachable (missing phone, wrong person, voicemail ...) click on "Complete" and "Lead unreachable" => Automation will continue

    2. If your call was decisive, qualify it (positive, negative, wrong timing) => Automation will stop

Manage Custom messages

To reach a particular, niche, or high-potential audience, it is sometimes necessary to personalize your approach to more easily connect with your target audience, and this involves customizing the initial messages.

You can then add an icebreaker, a personalized image, a video... a tailor touch before sending a message to increase your chances of getting a response and to help you build strong and lasting relationships.

How does it work?

  1. Create your campaign

  2. For each message (LinkedIn DM or email) that you want to review before it is sent, select the "Customize before sending" option.

  3. Launch your campaign

  4. Once your lead reaches this step, we will create a review task.

  5. Go to your manual task section and click on "To review", and select "Custom message".

  6. Review your message, and add your tailored touch.

  7. Your reviewed message will be sent to your lead 🔥

Watch the video to see it in action

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