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What data is available to analyse my campaign?
What data is available to analyse my campaign?

Become a master at analysing your data

Titouan Decap avatar
Written by Titouan Decap
Updated over a week ago

Your campaign is running and you see your stats growing, but it can be tricky to understand what those numbers mean in the jungle of data. Don't panic, we're here to help!

Table of Contents


For every campaign you launch, we provide dashboards to help you understand your data. In the overview section, you'll find general dashboards, including:

  • Reply rate

  • Number of activated leads

  • Number of replied leads

  • Won leads

Let's dive deeper into each of these.

Definition of statistics

  • Activated: This represents the number of people we have activated in your audience. At the beginning of the campaign, this number is 0 and will grow over time as we start to process more leads.

    If you hover your mouse over it, you will see that you can get more details.

    • Started: This metric measures how many leads started the campaign. It differs from the activated metric since a lead can be activated but not started. This can happen if the lead changed their mind and decided not to continue with the campaign.

    • Enriched: This metric represents the total number of leads that we enriched. It shows the real enrichment rate, meaning that if we already have information and did not find anything new, it won't count towards this metric. Normally, if it's the first time you're prospecting your leads, you should expect an enrichment rate between 30-60%. If it's below that range, you should activate the catch-all settings. For more information on how to optimize your campaigns using Lagrowthmachine, refer to this article.

    • Contacted: This metric represents the actual number of leads that received communication from you.

    • Completed without reply: This metric represents the number of leads that finished the campaign without answering.


    The number of leads that replied your message!

    By flying over once again, you can gather more detailed statistics and qualify your leads, providing even more detailed data. The average lead qualification rate is between 10-30% for LinkedIn and 10-20% for emails. Learn how to improve your rates here.


    Within your replies, you may receive several types of responses, including negative ones. To help manage this, we offer the ability to qualify your answers. The number of leads that you've qualified as positive is your "won" number. Learn more about qualifying leads in LGM!


    The last block on the Engagement page is the Linkedin block.

    Here, we display the number of leads that are the relation. With the details, you’ll see the number of contact request sent, the number of contact request accepted and who was already a contact. For your information, LaGrowthMachine has the possibility to work with several degrees of relations !

    Data per channel

    Lead Enrichment:

    The system remains the same: it shows the real rate of data we have found. In our example, there was no professional email found because they were already present!

    We also provide other information, such as the number of personal emails, phone numbers, Twitter handles, and website URLs.


    You'll find the number of invitations sent in the current campaign.

    • The number of new connections. Consider anything above 35% good, but if you're targeting 1st degree connections, it will be normal to not reach this percentage.

    • Number of already existing connections: Number of leads who are already a connection.

    • Number of messages sent.

    • Number of replied messages: Anything above 30% is considered good.

    Tip: Use the "Is a contact" block to identify the leads that are 1st degree connections! (Available from the Ultimate plan)


    We provide several pieces of information about the performance of your emails. You can see:

    It's up to you now!

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