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Salesforce - How to create or Update a lead on Salesforce?
Salesforce - How to create or Update a lead on Salesforce?

Learn to use Zapier and upgrade your Salesforce

Marion Regimbeau avatar
Written by Marion Regimbeau
Updated over 6 months ago

Salesforce is a great CRM for managing your leads. Possibilities are almost infinite!
But since we're not natively integrated with Salesforce, you're wondering how to push your leads into your CRM. No worries, with Zapier, everything is almost possible ✌️

Interested in adding your leads to Salesforce? Let's discover how you can do it with La Growth Machine

Table of contents

Since we’re not integrated natively with Salesforce, you’ll need to use Zapier to make connections between LGM and your CRM.

Zap: When the Pro email matches the email in Salesforce

First, on Zapier, you’ll need to choose on which app you want to trigger an action, and which action you want to specifically trigger the workflow. In this case, we’ll choose La Growth Machine (natively integrated to Zapier) and the “Profil Enriched” event.

Once you’ve connected your LGM account, we are gonna use this workflow for all campaigns in LGM :

Before creating a new lead in Salesforce, we must check if the lead does not already exist in the CRM.

In this action, we will choose first "Find Record in Salesforce".

At the action set-up, we have to choose the object on which we want to find a lead, it's gonna be ... "lead" ("Piste" in French on salesforce).

Then, we’ll try to match a lead track with first, the email.

Then, depending on whether there is a match with the email address, several scenarios are open to us. We will have to use the Path in Zapier to set up each case.

If there is a match, it's great we will be able to update the lead with the info you want to synchronize.

It’s gonna be our first path, and we’ll name it “Pro email matches email in Salesforce”.

We will then have to set up the rules that apply to this path. It will look like this :

For anyone with an email address that matches a Salesforce lead, we will update the lead information with the information that LGM was able to enrich.

It will be up to you to choose which information you want to update.

Here is the information we suggest you update :

  • LastName

  • FirstName

  • Job Title

  • Company Name

  • Mobile Phone

  • Company Website

  • Lead's origin

Just be careful if you update the phone number and do not overwrite your data if you already have one.

Regarding the origin of the lead, it is interesting to synchronize the name of your campaign here; That way, you’ll be able to analyze in your CRM the real impact of your campaigns (qualified calls rate, conversion rate etc…)

Zap: Pro email does not match the email in SF OR does not exist

One other thing that might be interesting for you is to save the person's LinkedIn profile. Often, this is information that you do not have in your CRM and that is essential in the identity of your lead.

It is also a key that will allow you to update your CRM and detect changes in positions, companies, etc...

There are two options for this:

- Either synchronize the LinkedIn profile URL in an existing field not used on your side

- or create a specific field on Salesforce at the lead level and call it LinkedIn Url

This path is only valid when there is a match between the email address on LGM and the one listed on Salesforce. If for example, LGM does not have an email address linked to the lead, we will want to match the lead with last name + first name + company name.

With this in mind, we will create another path that we will name “Pro email does not match the email in SF OR does not exist “

We will set up as follows :

The next step will be to search for a record on Salesforce with first name + last name

At the set-up action level, we’ll choose Lead as an object (“Piste” in French) and we are gonna use the entire name to look for a First Name + Last Name match.

Test your setup and go on.

Still in this path, we will use Zapier's filters to check if there was a match with the full name. If there is, we will check if the company name also matches, to avoid updating a wrong lead (the full name is not enough to match the lead, people can have the same first and last name).


To match the company name, we will have to use the Find Record function on Salesforce again, and search for the value of the Company Name :

Now it is time to split once again (by using the Path function on Zapier) depending on whether there was a match with the company name or not.

If there is a match with Firstname / Lastname and Company Name,

Then we will update the lead as seen before.

For those where there was no match on the company name, and those where there was no match on the email, nor on the first name + last name, nor the company name, we will create a lead on Salesforce and use the LGM fields to map the fields you want to import.

It's your turn now

Zapier is very powerful. With this Zap, you're going to upload your leads into your CRM, even if it's not natively synchronized!
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