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How does enrichment work in La Growth Machine?

Hint, we don't do it in bulk

Adrien Moreau Camard avatar
Written by Adrien Moreau Camard
Updated over 6 months ago

La Growth Machine automatically enriches your leads' contact info. By enrichment, we mean “identifying the prospect’s contact information”.

But we do enrichment very differently from what you're probably used to: not in bulk, but on an ongoing basis as leads are activated in a campaign!

How does the magic happen? Read-on!

Why do we enrich on an ongoing basis?

When you upload leads on La Growth Machine, you will notice that they won't be immediately enriched. This is intentional, as our enrichment process sometimes requires that we visit the lead's LinkedIn Profile.

If we were to do hundreds of visits in bulk, that'd be a problem for you...

Our enrichment process is thus happening on an ongoing basis, as leads are activated in a campaign. They'll then be taking the right path thanks to the conditions such as "Has ProEmail" or "Has not Pro"

To activate the enrichment, don't forget to enable it in your sequence

Let's walk through an example together!

In the snapshot above, enrichment is enabled. La Growth Machine will automatically find emails, phone numbers, Twitter accounts, and so on...

Next are conditions that allow segmenting leads based on the result of the enrichment :

  • If LGM has enriched the ProEmail, then an email will be sent

  • If LGM did not enrich the ProEmail, then we will activate the lead on LinkedIn

And so forth...

This is probably a big shift to what you're used to doing. Back in the old ways, you'd use another service to enrich your database, then segment it into dozens of different CSV according to the info you've found, etc.... and waste a lot of time in the process...

Welcome to the new way of managing leads, and saving time (and budget)!

Want to know more about how we enrich data? Read-on :

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