When do I know my campaign is done?

But is your campaign really done ?

Titouan Decap avatar
Written by Titouan Decap
Updated over a week ago

When do I know my campaign is over? That’s a good question. But is your campaign really over? Let’s find out.

Table of contents

Campaign status

A campaign can have multiple statuses: running, paused, or stopped. But why is there no status “Done”?

It’s simple: a campaign is never really over, since we consider that a lead can answer in one day, one week, one month or one year. That’s why a campaign is never really considered as done, even if we do not have any upcoming actions to do.

As long as the status remains “Running”, we will not end your campaign. If you want to stop a campaign, pause it or stop it, but please note that stopping your campaign will prevent this campaign from being launched again later

Are there any actions left?

But generally, the quickest way to know if we have any actions left to do such as contacting your leads or sending emails, is to go in the campaign, in the Logs Part. There, you can see in the "upcoming logs" if we have any action to do.

Typically, it will be like this :

It’s your turn now!

So now that you know how a campaign works, you can go further by learning how Can I add leads to an ongoing campaign?

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