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My campaign seems slow or isn't working. Can you help?
My campaign seems slow or isn't working. Can you help?
Titouan Decap avatar
Written by Titouan Decap
Updated over a week ago

If you're reading this, you're either curious about how we prioritize campaign execution or you're facing a roadblock. In either case, let's explore if there's truly an issue or if there's simply a misunderstanding.

First things first, let's check the Notification Center. This is an automatic diagnostic of issues that could prevent your campaign from performing :

If there is something wrong at the moment, you'll be told right here. Just in case, here are some links to the possibles issues :

If it's blank, then it can be one of three things :

Let's deep-dive!

I have multiple campaigns on-going, and the one I'm checking isn't a priority.

If you are running multiple campaigns with one identity, they may appear to be slow. However, they are not actually slow. The issue is that we need to prioritize actions between your old and new campaigns.

You can launch as many campaigns as you want with as many identities as you want to automate. However, LGM prioritizes actions in the following way:

  • Take action on leads that have already been activated (leads where actions were begun).

  • If everything is up to date, activate new leads in the oldest campaign you created.

  • If all the leads in the oldest campaign have been activated, activate new leads in the second oldest campaign.

  • Continue in this manner with all of your campaigns.

For example, if you launched a webinar yesterday but have four other campaigns that were launched before it, you should pause those other campaigns in order to prioritize the new one.

Here's a video to explain it in context :

What about when I have big audiences

If you have several campaigns with a large audience (more than 500 leads) and you're only using LinkedIn actions or Mail + LinkedIn with enrichment activated, keep in mind that you can only add up to 140/160 leads per week on Linkedin.

If you have, for example, 2000 leads in your audience, it will take a while to add them all, resulting in a bottleneck effect. We strongly advise you to work with smaller audiences. In fact, according to our study, you'll get +30% replies in general.

By now, it should be all explained. If not, reach out to the support team. You may have found a bug :)

The identities or the widget weren't connected sufficiently in the past few days.

Making sure channels are connected

This one is easy, if a channel isn't connected, we won't do much. Check your Identity Tab and make sure to reconnect all necessary channels

Making sure the widget is active

Remembers, the automation is done locally from the widget for security reasons, especially with regard to LinkedIn. This allows you to perform the automation from your computer and IP address, which makes it almost impossible for LinkedIn to detect the automation.

This has one drawback: if the widget isn't opened, we cannot perform any automation.

You can check your widget's activity on the Widget Tab

All set? Check the logs for the past few days

It might be good for now, but maybe in the last few days, the widget wasn't opened. You can check the Activity of an Identity in its settings

You can see the last actions made by your identity, which is a good indicator of its activity. There may be some actions that won’t be displayed in the Daily Statistics

But will be in the “Past Actions”. If there is quite some time since the last action, we maybe need to check the activity of the last campaign where actions were made.

There is no more action left in my campaign.

Did you check the activity of your identity and the last action was a long time ago? Let’s see if we have still actions planned. For that, go into the desired campaign, and go into the “Logs” part.

Are the upcoming actions empty? It means that we have done all the actions you’ve planned. We’re now waiting for potential answers and you can start another campaign or add new leads to this one

Please note that if your campaign is “Paused”, upcoming actions will be empty.

Do you have many actions left? Then it can only be one last thing: this campaign isn't a high priority at the moment.

Fixing an error in the Notification Center

A channel is disconnected

This one is easy, if a channel isn't connected, we won't do much. Check your Identity Tab and make sure to reconnect all necessary channels

A widget isn't connected

Remembers, the automation is done locally from the widget for security reasons, especially with regard to LinkedIn. This allows you to perform the automation from your computer and IP address, which makes it almost impossible for LinkedIn to detect the automation.

This has one drawback: if the widget isn't opened, we cannot perform any automation.

Make sure to reboot your widget on your computer and can check your widget's activity on the Widget Tab

My Identity's Working Hours are Off and My Timezone Isn't Correct

The identity associated with the campaign cannot "work" during that time of day. To check this, go to Identity > Click on the identity > Select Limits & Working Hours:

You can specify the start and stop times for your identity to be active. If you want your identity to be active on weekends, you can check the corresponding box below (but are you sure you want this?). Additionally, you can specify the time zone to use for these hours.

It's important to ensure that the time zone is correct.

For example, if you're physically located in Chicago but your widget is set to the Paris time zone, your campaigns won't work properly. Double-check everything here 👋

If everything looks good, let's move on to the next step.

Still not clear ?

Send us a message, and we will tell you what’s happening 🎇

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