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How can I accelerate the execution of my campaign?
How can I accelerate the execution of my campaign?

Is it possible ?

Marion Regimbeau avatar
Written by Marion Regimbeau
Updated over 7 months ago

Are you experiencing a slower campaign than usual? Perhaps you're feeling stressed about a deadline, or maybe you're just curious. Regardless of the cause, we can help you accelerate your campaign execution. Don't worry, there are several ways to do this!

Table of contents

Is your campaign sufficiently segmented?

The first thing to consider is whether your audience is sufficiently segmented. If your campaign is slow, it may be due to having too many leads to activate. But what does "too many leads" mean? We recommend segmenting your audience if you have more than 500-600 leads, as our research shows that your answer rate will decrease after this number. For more information, you can read this article!

So if you have, let's say, a campaign with more than 1500 leads in it, it may be the problem. Moreover, if you have LinkedIn actions, don't forget that you can not add more than 140/160 leads/per week. And we can not overcome this restriction. We'll let you determine how much it's going to take to add everyone...

Can you increase your daily limits?

You can see if you've reached your limits from your identity,

When your limits are reached, we stop them until the next day,

However, you can increase your limits if you wish, although you'll have to be careful to stay under LinkedIn's radar:

To find out more, read this article!

To enrich or not to enrich

Let's say you have an audience of fewer than 500 leads, but it's still slow. Have you considered deactivating the enrichment feature?

You may not know this, but when you import leads into La Growth Machine, we don't enrich them. We do it only when you launch your campaign because enriching them during the import process could cause some issues with LinkedIn. Enriching leads takes longer and extends the execution time on a lead.

Especially in cases when you only have emails to send and you already have the email address of your lead, you could deactivate the enrichment to make the execution time faster.

Please note that you can only deactivate the enrichment BEFORE launching your campaigns. You can not deactivate it after the campaign is launched. If you're reading this, and already have launched your campaign, this is (almost) too late. Check our article about retargeting your uncontacted leads to identify them and launch another campaign!

Multi-campaigns, anyone?

Do you have multiple campaigns running at the same time, and with the same identity? It could explain the problem.

When you have multiple campaigns running at the same time, it induces a question: How do we prioritize them?

To be exact, we will prioritize as follows:

  • Take action on leads that are already activated (Leads where actions were begun)

  • If everything is up to date, activate new leads in the oldest campaign you've created.

  • If all the leads in the oldest campaign have been activated, we will activate new leads in the oldest campaign N-1

If you need to prioritize one campaign, you should pause the others.

Can I modify a campaign while she's running?

If you are in the Ultimate Plan, you can modify your campaigns, because of the Custom campaigns features.

But can you modify it after launching it?

The quick answer is yes and no! The only thing you can change after launching your campaign is copywriting. Changing a block will often lead to the stopping of a campaign, so that's why we don't recommend it :(

Still not ok? You can read this guide: my campaign seems slow or isn't working

It’s up to you now!

Finally, if your campaign is still slow, contact our support team, and we will take a look!

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