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Why didn't I reach my quotas?

Are they really what they seem ?

Marion Regimbeau avatar
Written by Marion Regimbeau
Updated over 6 months ago

The success of your campaign depends on the number of daily actions you’re going to take. But you went into the identity actions and saw that did not reach the maximal amount of actions that you’ve set. Why? Let’s discover it!

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What are those numbers?

Those numbers are not precisely "quotas". There are no guarantees that these actions will be reached each day, but somewhat limits are given for a specific type of action. In other words, they represent the maximum number of actions that can be carried out in a day.

It is impossible to guarantee that these actions will be achieved, as there are too many parameters to take into account and too many actions to carry out. However, LGM optimizes to ensure that as many actions as possible are carried out during the day, so there's no need to worry.

How do I set them up

You can set them up in the “Limits & Workhours” part of your identity, just here

Then, you’ll be able to set your limits, which you can see here

Okay, but what limits should I set?

And about your email, it’s up to you. If you are using Google, you can send 300 identical emails/day without being banned. But we’ll recommend you use spins and variables to personalize at the scale of your email

It’s up to you now!

Now that you know how to handle your limits, you can read how you can accelerate the execution of my campaign and your campaign!

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