Linkedin: Add Relation

LGM Action to send a Linkedin Contact Request to your Leads

Brice Maurin avatar
Written by Brice Maurin
Updated over a week ago

When using this action, your identity will send a Linkedin Contact Request to your Lead. Linkedin will notify your lead that you sent this invitation in 2 ways: by email and in a notification within linkedin.

Your contact request can include a message. This is a best practice and will improve the number of leads accepting your contact request.

⚠️ The message associated to a Linkedin Contact Request is limited to 300 characters.

💡 My message have less than 300 characters but I have an error

You may have written a template that fits within the limits, but using variables such as {(firstname}}, {{companyName}} or {{jobTitle}} creates an uncertain real length of the message after replacing the variable.

To fix the issue, modify the message by either :

  • Making it shorter

  • or removing {{jobtitle}} and/or {{companyName}} variables

If you want to keep the variable, a good practice is to aim for at least 20 characters left to leave enough space for the variable to fit in.

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