Can I A/B test?

Is it possible to conduct an A/B test?

Titouan Decap avatar
Written by Titouan Decap
Updated over a week ago

A/B testing your copywriting is a great way to improve and identify the best hook for similar audiences. Find out if you can do this with LaGrowthMachine!

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Is it possible to do an A/B test?

At present, LaGrowthMachine does not have a native feature for A/B testing.

We base our decisions on user feedback and the popularity of specific features. If you upvote a feature, we can notify you individually when it goes live! This is a chance to influence our development roadmap.

Currently, there is one feature request available for voting here. By voting, you will receive a notification when this feature is released.


However, even though there is no native feature, it doesn't mean you can't conduct an A/B test.

To perform an A/B test, you need:

  • Two similar audiences (each audience should have at least 300 people to ensure reliable statistics for the A/B test).

  • Duplicate sequence A and make changes to sequence B, such as modifying email templates to test copywriting.

  • Launch two campaigns: one with your identity + audience A + sequence A, and another with your identity + audience B + sequence B.

It’s up to you now!

Now that you know how to conduct an A/B test, why don’t you try out?

Moreover, you can go further by adding Spins and variables!

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