When Opened
This condition will trigger the following actions you've defined in your sequence if the email has been opened at any time during the defined period.
Note: During is equivalent to "Under X days". In the example above, if your lead doesn't open the email "within" 7 days, the lead won't perform the following action.
We only check the action once, so if the lead opens the email several times, we'll only use the first occurrence as the basis for the next actions.
No Reply AND Email Opened
This condition will trigger the following actions you've defined in your sequence if the email you've sent has NOT received a reply AND the email has been opened, within the time limit set when the condition is checked.
No Reply AND Email not Opened
This condition will trigger the following actions you've defined in your sequence if the email you've sent has NOT received a reply AND the email has NOT been opened, within the time limit set when the condition is checked.