How to manage multiples identities?

Learn how to add new identities and manage campaigns on behalf of your sales team

Adrien Moreau Camard avatar
Written by Adrien Moreau Camard
Updated over a week ago

LaGrowthMachine was build to help SDRs, growth people and recruiters spend less time writing emails and more time talking to leads. Using LaGrowthMachine, you can centralize the outreach of multiple people

Connect the identities of your sales/growth/recruiting people on LaGrowthMachine and let it perform all outreach actions on their behalf

Creating and connecting new identities

LaGrowthMachine come first with only one identity but you can add as many as you want: 

  1. Go to the “Identities Tab” and click on “+Add Identities”

  2. Select how many new identities and the plans you desire. Add the coupon if you have one and click on “Create”

  3. Enter your billing information and credit card. 

You’re all set to onboard new members !

Managing multiple identities

LaGrowthMachine allows you to act on behalf of all the identities connected. After connecting all the identities, you can create campaigns for each identity: 

  1. Go to the “Campaigns” tab and click on “+ New Campaign”

  2. In the dropdown “Select Identity”, chose the identity you want the campaign to run with

  3. Save the campaign and click on “Launch”. You’re now running sequence on behalf of your team members!

It’s that easy to scale centralized outreach with LaGrowthMachine

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