La Growth Machine gives you to possibility to create a lead with an API key.
Let's take a look with Brice :
You have to use this endpoint to create a lead :
You need to specify at least:
audience + proEmail
Firstname + Lastname + (CompanyUrl or CompanyName)
Here is an example:
Do I need a valid email address?
You might have an error in your script if you don't provide an email address: "{"error": "ValidationError: \"persoEmail\" must be a valid email"}""
For technical reasons, our API requires a valid email address to be entered when a lead is created.
However, it is possible to get around this limitation by passing a generic email such as :
"firstName": "John",
"lastName": "Doe",
"persoEmail": "[email protected]",
With this fake email [email protected], your lead will be created even without a real email. Later, when the sequence is running, the enrichment will retrieve the lead's professional email if it is available on LinkedIn.
So to sum up:
You can easily create a Lead
The API requires an email at the creation stage
You can pass on a fake email such as [email protected]
Enrichment will then retrieve the real email
APIs are available from the Pro plan
Want to know more about API?